Dear teacher,
Oxford University Press is proud to present English Time - an innovative and dynamic series for primary school which offers all the support possible for both teachers and students. To celebrate the introduction of the series, we cordially invite you to this academic event where we will discuss how primary students learn and what we as teachers can do to form independent, reflective learners. Don’t miss the opportunity of sharing practical ideas and activities with our ELT specialist.
Hotel Radisson Flamingos
Av. Revolución No. 333
Col. Tacubaya
México, D.F.
Saturday, 20th March, 2004
08:00 - 09:00 Registration
09:00 - 10:45 "The Time for Thinking is a Magic Time"
10:45 - 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:45 "Having the Time of your Life in English!"
12:45 - 13:00 Closing and Diplomas
Biodata of Today’s Speakers:
Hilda Martínez has taught English to all levels since 1988. She has a degree in Marketing and holds the COTE with Distinction. She has been a teacher trainer since 1995, having worked with teachers both in Pre-service and In-service courses. For the last five years, she has been working as an Academic Consultant for Oxford University Press. She is also an EFL author. At the moment, Hilda is taking the DELTA and running her own Consultancy firm Creative Solutions in ELT.
Xochitl Arvizu has been an EFL teacher for over eleven years. During that time, she has taught students at all levels from children to adults and has also been a teacher trainer for the past seven years. She holds the C.P.E., C.O.T.E. and D.O.T.E. with distinction in language and methodology. She is currently finishing a Masters Degree in Education from Exeter University. After a long successful career at The Anglo Mexican Foundation Xochitl is now an independent academic consultant working for OUP and in charge of “Creative Solutions in ELT”, her own consultancy firm.