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nombre del evento
descripción del evento
fecha del evento
lugar del evento

Magic Time/English Time Seminar in Torreon

Dear teacher,

Oxford University Press is proud to present English Time - an innovative and dynamic series for primary school which offers all the support possible for both teachers and students. To celebrate the introduction of the series, we cordially invite you to this academic event where we will discuss how primary students learn and what we as teachers can do to form independent, reflective learners. Don’t miss the opportunity of sharing practical ideas and activities with our ELT specialist.


Hotel Camino Real
Blvd. Independencia No. 3595 Ote.
Col. El Fresno
Torreón, Coah.

Friday, 19th March, 2004

15:30 - 16:00 Registration

16:00 - 17:45 "The Time for Thinking is a Magic Time"

17:45 - 18:00 Coffee Break

18:00 - 19:45 "Having the Time of your Life in English!"

19:45 - 20:00 Closing and Diplomas

Biodata of Today’s Speaker:

Zaira Kuri holds the ITTC Diploma from The Anglo Mexican Foundation where she started her career in ELT more than 7 years ago. She also holds the Certificate for Overseas Teachers of English (COTE) from Cambridge University and has actively participated in projects and workshops for children, teenagers, adults and teachers. Zaira is currently pursuing a career in singing while working independently as an English Teacher and Teacher Trainer. She is also an Academic Consultant for Oxford University Press.

Friday, 19th March, 2004 de 15:30 - 20:00 hrs.

Hotel Camino Real

Bookshop (871) 712 23 88
Librería del Estudiante (871) 716 86 59

principio de página

Antonio Caso No. 142 Co. San Rafael
06470, México D.F.